Sip and see party 7

DIY photo string display

Photo strings are such a cute and easy way to brighten up a plain wall! We put up a photo string wall for our daughter’s recent sip & see party and liked it so much we decided to keep it around as part of our everyday home decor. It’s a great way to display and change up photos!

I’ve put together some tips below so that you can create your own DIY photo string wall.

sip and see party 5

Making an easy (and affordable) photo string wall

We love our photo string wall because it highlights some of our favorite memories and is a super personalized decoration. It also creates a nice focal point for guests to get to know our family. It’s a cute alternative to a sign, and because you choose the location you make it for it’s easy to make it the perfect fit for any space!

I personally love photo walls at parties because it gives me something to talk about with strangers (it’s a nice classy ice-breaker of sorts). You can easily spark up a conversation about what’s happening in the pictures or reminisce over shared memories.

Now that our party season is over, we still have the photo string up. We love switching out the photos, so there’s always something new to look at. Hopefully, we’ll also hang artwork and other fun items from it.

My aunts helped put together the photo string in the pictures posted here (I know, I’m so lucky!).  My aunt even hand-drew the title letters (hint: the bunting is made from recycled paper grocery bags). Your photo string doesn’t necessarily need a title like this one, but it’s a lovely touch if you want to highlight the theme of your photos. A title really helps to bring it all together.

Clothespins for a Photo String Wall Display

Supplies for a photo string display

Here’s what you’ll need to make your own display:

  • Small Command Hooks
  • Jute Twine
  • Wooden Clothespins
  • Printed Photos
  • Brown Paper Bags
    • How many you will need depends on what you are spelling. If you have a long word or want a set, you’ll need a few!
  • Scissors
  • Black Marker
  • String lights (If you want!)

*You could also select other mediums for your sign, like burlap or fabric. I’ve successfully made them with burlap and painted on the letters. It just depends on what’s relevant to your theme (and what’s in stock at your local craft store!)

Hook for Photo String - No Nails

Steps – How to make a photo string

  1. Place a stick-on hook on either end of the wall (follow the instructions for the hooks you buy). We stuck the hooks onto our in-wall speakers. If you’re sticking the hooks directly onto the wall, make sure the hooks you buy are designed to be removable without peeling off paint. If you’d rather just use nails and patch the holes later… That’s cool too! You could also use a small tack on the side or top of the molding (somewhere that isn’t very visible). 
  2. String and tie the twine between the hooks. We strung three strands – one straight strand for the title and two lower strands for the photos. Keep in mind that the weight of the clothespins and photos will pull down the strings.
  3. Use the clothespins to attach the printed photos. It’s most secure if the twine is arranged over the top of the photo. Then you can clamp the clothespin overtop of both the twine and photo at the same time (rather than trying to run the twine through that open part of the clothespin)
  4. Cut out bunting from the brown paper bags. Each bunting flag will hang over the string, so the bunting should have both a front and a back flap. Use the pre-existing bottom seam in the bag as the top of the bunting. Then the flat front of the bag can be used as the bunting front, while the bottom/back of the bag will be the back of the bunting.
  5. Use the black marker to draw a title on the bunting flags.
  6. Hang the bunting title flags on the top string.
Clothespeg for Photo String

Making your own photo string display

And that’s it! This photo string is a very quick project that you can put together in just a few minutes once you’ve got the supplies. This project is also very affordable, especially if you’ve already got some twine and clothespins around.

You can use these to decorate for so many occasions: Birthdays, baby showers, reunions… You name it! I’ve even seen mini versions to decorate cupcakes or over top of a tray of cookies.

Now you just need to print your favorite photos!

What photos are you looking forward to putting on your photo string?

String lights

We chose just to use string for our display, but another fun idea is to use string lights for your photo display! There are tons of options to choose from, and you can find cute string lights (or fairy lights) at most dollar stores, supercenters, or online. Just very loosely wrap the lights around your string display once you hang them.

Have you created your own photo display? We would love to see it!


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